Sunday, June 12, 2011

Yes, Post B.S. is a Fly-By-Night Organization

So, for those of you that didn't notice, I missed another posting deadline. However, instead of letting it slide, I'm going to give you a mid-week post with some pictures I took recently in Owl Forest at the Tracy Aviary.
The mesh threw off my camera's focus, but in the background you can see the barn owl.

I just decided to use my long arms to get the camera lens between the wire mesh and got a sweet zoom-in on the great horned owl.

I got a clearer picture of the long-eared owl, with mesh and all.

But I like the shots through the mesh better :)

If you can't tell, this is the face of a saw-whet owl. It was hiding behind a pine branch, so it makes for a pretty curious effect. However, it also gives you an idea of how small these guys are (check out that pine-needle to eye ratio).

Friday, June 3, 2011

Running With a View

Guess I need to start off with an apology. I procrastinated with my weekly blog last week (just like I'm doing this week,) and the little gremlins in the computer decided to throw a rock into the gears.

The thing I was writing about last week (but failed to be able to publish,) was the Legacy Parkway Trail. The good news is that this week, I didn't really need to think of a topic ;)

It's a great trail if you don't mind gnats and bikers that need to make sure you know they're faster on their bikes then you are on your feet. (Yes, I know this is normally to be polite and to give you warning so that you can move over, but the trail is pretty wide and the bikers are pretty noisy so they're not really sneaking up and going to surprise you.)

Just last week on our run we saw a couple of American coots, a Franklin's gull, some red-winged blackbirds, and a double-crested cormorant. The view of the mountains and plant-life is great, it's so wonderful to look at that you almost forget about the running. There are clear markers starting at the southern most part of the trail with 0 and showing every .5 miles up to the 14 mile marker. As I mentioned earlier, the trail is wide and so makes for very comfortable run even when there is more than the usual activity level.

There are plans to run the trail further south and connecting it with the Jordan River Parkway Trail which would be awesome. Anyways, guess this is just my little post to let you know that if you haven't been there yet, check it out.