Sunday, November 27, 2011

Here We Go Again

You know when you run into that friend you haven't spoken with in a couple of years and feel really awkward trying to strike up a conversation with them, so instead you pretend you didn't even notice them? (OK, so maybe I'm the only one who's been in this situation . . . just try to imagine it.)

I've been going through this on a weekly basis for a couple o' months now. It seems like every time I work myself up to get another blog posted I hit that block of "what do I say now?".

One option I toyed with was just ignoring the idea that I've been away for so long and just pretending that everything is back to normal. (I've tried that with some of those "old friends" at get-to-gathers, apparently it doesn't work.) The other option that came to mind is my usual stance on things, admit I messed up and then get used to the awkwardness (I'm use to it by now). Instead I'm taking the last option that came into my head.

"Hey why not make your first return post about not writing?"

"Well self, that's not too shabby of an idea."

"Let's try it out."

And trying it out I am . . . Doesn't feel to awkward yet, but then again that's coming from the pre-posting aspect, we'll see how I really feel about it in about 20 minutes or so (yes, I really do expect to take 20 minutes to get it posted from this point. "Why?" you might ask. Well, Blogspot has apparently been revamped and I don't really know what I'm doing, that's why.)

So, here I am, back in the saddle again hoping to stay on track. No promises are being made this time about weekly postings or stuff like that, but I'll sure make an effort. Hope you'll join me.

Here's pretty picture as an attempt to make some amends :)


  1. It is good to hear from you. I like the new look of your Blog. Thanks for keeping the fish on there, i would never hear the end of it if they disappeared.

  2. Now they're even easier to feed. I expect them to be twice as big next time I check in on them. (Want 'em nice n' fat for a Christmas dinner.)
